Topological generating grinding

Grinding of gears using the generating method with topography is a modern method of grinding gears for large-series production. It is a generative process where the involute is the result of interpolation of multiple axes. By rotating the gear wheel while radially changing the distance between the center of the workpiece and the grinding wheel, a profile can be “generated” and adjustments can be made. With an additional movement parallel to the axis of rotation of the workpiece, any point on the side of the gear can be reached. The machining types available are the axial method and the radial method. With the axial method, the feed direction is towards the axis of rotation of the workpiece. Consequently, an involute emerges from the envelope curve of the profile.

Range of production: straight and helical modular gears: from module 0.5 to module 8, maximum diameter fi 350 mm


ZKZ Gears sp. z o.o. 

KRS: 0001055888

NIP: 8942849478

REGON: 020197145


56-400 Oleśnica
ul. Moniuszki 19 – 19c


+48 713 981 214
