Grinding of gears using the profile method

GRINDING OF GEARS WITH THE PROFILE METHOD: Medium-series and prototype production. The class of execution of the gear is 6-DIN as standard. The profile method is usually used in the production of gears in short series with high quality requirements. It is possible to grind patterns of precision gears while maintaining strict technological rigors. Profile grinding of gears gives us the ability to apply all known modifications to the tooth line and profile in order to optimize the profile of the gear using the active profile. The method of profile grinding of gears is particularly helpful in prototype production for research and development departments with the option of using grinding in solid material, which reduces the costs of purchasing strictly defined tools for prior milling of gears before the hardening process. We are also able to produce gears with any innovative profiles, defined by the constructor in the form of a network of points (CAD drawing). development. You have an idea, nobody can do it, we will implement it. Range of production: straight and helical modular gears and any profile from module 0.5 to module 16, minimum diameter fi 10 mm, up to maximum diameter fi 800 mm



ZKZ Gears sp. z o.o. 

KRS: 0001055888

NIP: 8942849478

REGON: 020197145


56-400 Oleśnica
ul. Moniuszki 19 – 19c


+48 713 981 214
